Car insurance for women is a must-have for all female drivers. One way of looking at it is to consider women's car insurance as simply another way of being a responsible driver. None of us can predict what can happen and it IS better to be safe than sorry isn’t it? Furthermore, no matter how good a driver you are, you can never speak for other motorists around you.
Is Car Insurance For Women Cheaper than For A Man?
Car insurance for women has just as many benefits as for men. However, women's auto insurance is said to be cheaper than that for men because women have been found to be safer drivers. And because women are not as prone to accidents, insurance companies are assured that they are not risking a lot by offering women lower rates.
Indeed, insurance companies have researched on this, and driving statistics show the following:
- Men commit more motor vehicle-related crimes than women.
- Men are less likely to pass their driver’s licensing exam the first time than women.
- Motor vehicle-related accidents that men get into cause more damage than those that women get into.
Now, don’t think that this data shows that you are not likely to need women's car insurance. This is the wrong attitude to take. Rather, rejoice in the fact that it will cost you less than you think to get women's auto insurance.
Coverage Options for Car Insurance for Women
Car insurance for women has many coverage options. Unlike health insurance that covers only injuries or a life insurance that covers only disabled body parts, auto insurance can cover the different aspects of a motor vehicle accident; it can provide for you, the other driver involved in the incident (if there is one) and both of your cars.
Coverage Options
- Liability: This coverage protects you if you hurt someone or damage property in the course of an accident. This includes medical expenses for anyone in the accident. However, this coverage does not include injuries or damage to your own motor vehicle. Moreover, each state has its own liability requirements.
- Property damage: This is coverage for property you have damaged if you have been determined to have caused the damage. This generally has a limit of $100,000.00 but you have the option to increase this amount.
- Comprehensive: This coverage pays for the damages incurred by your car. This also covers storm damage, theft, vandalism and fire. This coverage is required for any auto loan. The rate for this coverage decreases as the deductible increases.
- Collision: This coverage pays for any damage to your vehicle if you are determined to have caused the accident. The cash value of your vehicle is paid if the vehicle is totaled. This coverage is required for auto loans.
- Uninsured / Underinsured motorist: This coverage pays you if the accident is not your fault, but the other driver is not insured or does not have sufficient coverage.
- Optional Coverage: There are ‘extras’ that you can choose to include in your women's car insurance policy. Examples are rental car coverage and emergency road service.
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